Services We Provide
If you have found this site because you have just lost a child, our hearts go out to you. THY KINGDOM COME MEMORIAL, INC. offers financial support for bereaved families who have experienced the death of their baby.
Funeral Assistance Programs
THY KINGDOM COME MEMORIAL, INC. helps pay for current funeral expenses related to the cremation or burial of a stillborn or child up to the age of two. We are not able to help with past bills, past funeral expenses or any non-burial expenses.
Infant Funeral Services
The qualifications to receive funeral assistance from THY KINGDOM COME MEMORIAL, INC. are:
- The family resides in Florida, Georgia, or Tennessee.
- The baby who died was between 20 weeks gestation up to two years old.
- Fund availability.
- Funds are provided based on the family having a financial need.
- For application, click here
- Application guidelines, click here
The maximum financial assistance is $250 for funeral expenses and $100 for cremation expenses per application. If the loss is for multiples (twins, triplets, etc) and babies are being buried together the maximum amount provided is $250 and $100.